Recycled materials
ZanziResort has been collaborating with number of vendors that provide sustainable solutions for the waste management and recycling including CHAKO (glass recycling), Simba-Bio (used cooking oil collection for further recycling into environmentally friendly low carbon biodiesel), EcoAct (eco-friendly building materials from recycled post-consumer plastic waste), OZTI East Africa (plastic recycling initiative), and others.

recycled materials

Capacity building
We constantly engage trainees through the collaboration with Zanzibar Commissions of Tourism. We build their capacity in different areas, support their growth and help with the consecutive employment. We conduct regular training and workshops for our own employees, constantly enhancing their expertise across all our departments. Apart from educational trips we do organize fun trips for our staff too, as we strongly believe that only happy employees can ensure the happiness of our guests.

capacity building

We’re growing our own vegetable plantation and planning to have some farm animals as well: chickens and rabbits. Recently, a family of stingless bees has joined us for pollinating the veggies and making our garden even more beautiful.


We love and support our neighboring village - Kama. Employing their villagers, donating for small needs or sending our maintenance personnel to fix schools or Mosques. At the moment, we are working on building the waste collection points in the village, renovating Kama school library and conducting environmental awareness classes for the kids.


Beach Cleaning
Every first Thursday of the month the entire Zanzi team cleans the neighboring beach from plastic waste. We believe that our actions will positively impact the society on waste management and saving the environment.

beach cleaning

Our planet needs our help more than ever. Every step that each of us can do may make a huge difference.
Here at ZanziResort we’re doing our bit.
We said NO to plastic bottled water, NO to disposable plastic utensils;
Our glass is being recycled by beautiful Chako Project; We do compost;
Our used cooking oil is being transformed into biodiesel by innovative Simba Project;
We use refillable glass dispensers for cosmetics made by a local company Inaya
We share our high quality water from own borehole with the neighboring villages;
We use energy saving bulbs;
We plant indigenous trees and organic gardens;
We source our produce locally;
We live together with our communities, supporting each other in various ways;
Our garden eco bungalows are made of local materials;
Together we keep Zanzibar clean.